A friend showed this to me about a week ago and I must say, I'm addicted. It's absolutely hilarious and to much surprise ... is a LEGIT business. I'm honestly TEMPTED to give him $5 just to see what he produces. Looking at all his work really gives me a good laugh. If you look under the 'Questions' area of the site, he goes on to explain ...
Can I suggest a design for my Horrible Logo?
No. What I come up with at the time will be your new Horrible Logo. It will be a surprise, and it will suck.
I noticed you misspelled a word on my logo, will you fix it for me?
No, I spelled it wrong on purpose.
My logo doesn't suck as bad as I thought it would. Will you redo it for me?
No. What you get is the final logo. I will not redo any logos.
If you're looking for a good laugh, check out www.horriblelogos.com for some *amazing* illustrations and if you're brave enough ... he follows up the site with www.horriblejingles.com ... so bad they're good ;)