A design obsessed girl living in a typographic world
February 21, 2011
This has to be one of the coolest type foundries out there. Based out of Argentina, it is run by 4 unique and pretty interesting guys from different corners of design. Mostly creating type for branding, Sudtipos has become world renown for its creation of script type as well as digitizing older script fonts from earlier in the century. I learned about this foundry from Alejandro Paul, one of the founders of the company. His work has truly influenced me into using more script-based fonts for my material that I'm working on. As as font girl, I go through phases and have never really gotten into script fonts before ... until now. Thanks to another teacher, I've been given some of Paul's fonts and since then, have been using them non-stop in a variety of different mediums. Paul is very interactive with his fans and has also been in contact with me about gaining more information about his typefaces.