The simplicity of this logo design is what makes it very appealing. Using the negative space between the Z and the P works to create an illusion of a zipper giving further meaning to the logo design. Although presented in black and white, the design has the ability to work if different colour schemes are applied to it. Taking into consideration colour theory, particular colours could create different meanings of the logo design. The use of a sans serif type works to push the geometric linings of the logo itself.

I have a soft spot for typographical logos. This one for instance, works to convey the fun and playful feelings associated with creative studios. The use of red and white create high contrast in the composition. The use of both upper and lowercase lettering work well together as well. My only criticism would be that the H30 becomes a little too left-heavy, taking full attention away from creative studio. Although I do like the smaller point size of the creative studio, the hierarchy seems a little unbalanced.

Seeing this logo warms me up. The incorporation of type and illustration works to convey the feelings associated with coffee drinking. Using rich tones of browns and golds give higher meaning to the design as well. Having the two f's in the same gold colour contrast with the rest of the illustration in white.

If you wanna check out more of the single letter logo design, check out:

Since we have to develop a logo for a hypothetical design company for my type class, it seemed fitting to look into logo design and what constitutes successful design. I've found endless lists of successful logos from various sites on the internet but I came across this particular site that offered some *great* examples of sexy logo design:
Again, this site (blog.reflexstock.com) has been so amazing the last few days, just with giving me come creative inspiration for my own work. The simplicity of some of them ... blows me away. They're clever, unique, and to the point, which is key to creating a great logo. The logo needs to symbolize the essence of the company and through these particular examples, fully illustrates the business itself.