A design obsessed girl living in a typographic world
January 16, 2011
My True Love
I can't even remember when my love for typography took root. Piecing everything together, I think it was in the 11th grade when I was yearbook editor at my high school. I had a really cool teacher whose design background allowed him to create an amazing learning environment. It was during this time that I began to notice the power that type had on a design. Yes, pictures and colours add flare and style to a layout, but it's really the choice of type that can make or break a design. If the type doesn't match the desired theme or emotion, what's the point? Type is sexy, there is no *question* about that. Since my meager days back in high school, I've come to develop quite the obsession for typography. Even throughout university, I would match typefaces to papers I was writing. Screw MLA & APA formatting, the papers deserved a matching font! Girls collect shoes, this design girl is addicted to collecting fonts. At present time, I have over 3,000+ different typefaces on my hard drive. Each one unique in its own right.
You'll see in posts to come my addiction and realize that it is a true passion of mine. Long live typography!